bragging rights
i am crazy in love with Dylan. To me, he is the most adorable creature to ever walk (or lie upon? drool on?) the face of the earth. What kind of mother wouldn't feel that way about their baby? =) Since nobody wants to hear me ramble on and on about my baby (coz they're all so sick of hearing it every day), i'll just write about it. After the cruel ordeal i had to endure (which is pregnancy, of course--- morning sickness, weight gain, severe swelling, aching joints, stretch marks, weak bladder, etc), the labor i had to go through (and they don't call it labor for nothing, believe me!), and finally pushing him out to see the world... i think i've earned bragging rights fair and square. =) so there.
***drugs are greeeaaat, first of all. =P My doctor was fabulous! and men... (i think) will never get it.
I remember gazing into his eyes for the very first time... and it was like meeting a tiny stranger but not (if you know what i mean). It truly was love at first sight... and i can honestly say that now i know the true meaning of love. Not just love on its own, but pure, unconditional love. I would move mountains and swim shark infested waters for this boy if i had to.
He has the prettiest, big, brown, puppy dog eyes. The cutest, curly, brown hair. His cheeks are so pudgy! He's got folds on his arms and legs (and his arms are so short)! He has the tiniest, little hands with chubby, little fingers. The smallest little feet and he wiggles his toes all the time! they're like hands. He's adorable even when he cries. You can't ever get mad at him coz he's so darn irresistible. He's so cute, i just wanna squash him, & attack him with kisses (omigod, i'm turning into one of those mothers).
But, really... wow. He just never ceases to enchant me. I still go *aaww* and *eeee* at everything that he does even though i've seen it a million times. No matter how cranky and how drained i am, it just takes one smile to turn my mood around, lift my spirit, and light up my day. It never fails... he greets me every single morning, when i pick him up, with the sweetest smile. I just melt.
He's almost 3 months old. He's flipped over from tummy to back. He smiles all the time (especially when he can recognize the face. That's how you can tell who the favorites are). He's just about starting to laugh. He loves taking a bath, hates taking his vitamins, he'll play on his own when he's in the mood, he loves being rocked to sleep, he'll *coo* when he's in a really good mood, he screams like a girl, farts like a man, shrieks when we don't understand him, & he loves loves luuuuuvs his mommy. *hihi*
He's doing so well... i'm like the "proud mother" just waiting for people to ask me how he's doing so i can blab away and give them a full report on his life story. But i'm not psycho and i know how people respond to that, so i keep myself calm and collected and keep the bragging to a minimum.
I'm loving motherhood. At the end of the day, i'm physically tired, but spiritually alive. He makes me happy... and that's enough for me. I'm gonna love watching him grow up. =)
***drugs are greeeaaat, first of all. =P My doctor was fabulous! and men... (i think) will never get it.
I remember gazing into his eyes for the very first time... and it was like meeting a tiny stranger but not (if you know what i mean). It truly was love at first sight... and i can honestly say that now i know the true meaning of love. Not just love on its own, but pure, unconditional love. I would move mountains and swim shark infested waters for this boy if i had to.
He has the prettiest, big, brown, puppy dog eyes. The cutest, curly, brown hair. His cheeks are so pudgy! He's got folds on his arms and legs (and his arms are so short)! He has the tiniest, little hands with chubby, little fingers. The smallest little feet and he wiggles his toes all the time! they're like hands. He's adorable even when he cries. You can't ever get mad at him coz he's so darn irresistible. He's so cute, i just wanna squash him, & attack him with kisses (omigod, i'm turning into one of those mothers).
But, really... wow. He just never ceases to enchant me. I still go *aaww* and *eeee* at everything that he does even though i've seen it a million times. No matter how cranky and how drained i am, it just takes one smile to turn my mood around, lift my spirit, and light up my day. It never fails... he greets me every single morning, when i pick him up, with the sweetest smile. I just melt.
He's almost 3 months old. He's flipped over from tummy to back. He smiles all the time (especially when he can recognize the face. That's how you can tell who the favorites are). He's just about starting to laugh. He loves taking a bath, hates taking his vitamins, he'll play on his own when he's in the mood, he loves being rocked to sleep, he'll *coo* when he's in a really good mood, he screams like a girl, farts like a man, shrieks when we don't understand him, & he loves loves luuuuuvs his mommy. *hihi*
He's doing so well... i'm like the "proud mother" just waiting for people to ask me how he's doing so i can blab away and give them a full report on his life story. But i'm not psycho and i know how people respond to that, so i keep myself calm and collected and keep the bragging to a minimum.
I'm loving motherhood. At the end of the day, i'm physically tired, but spiritually alive. He makes me happy... and that's enough for me. I'm gonna love watching him grow up. =)