
groundless speculation

Saturday, May 26, 2007

in the now

where did it go? time flew past me so quickly. It's taking so much and giving so little... i don't understand that. There are more questions to be answered and more things that need to be done. But when does it stop? Is there really a destination? or is it supposed to be a journey all our lives? Who ever said that better necessarily means "happy". And how do you know for sure that it IS what WILL make you happy... then does it end there? Or will there be a need for more happiness? See, it's just never enough. It doesn't stop there. So if your whole life is a journey.. shouldn't we might as well enjoy the scenery? It might take a while...
i'm taking the necessary steps... i'm just taking my time. I haven't exactly put a permanent stamp on a certain decision yet... but it's getting there.
I'm still unsure which path i want to take. I'm not exactly sure which one will be happier and/or better. I'm not sure which one i'll be able to take on better. Asking these questions, are all on its own, is already not such a good thing.
Fine. I'm nervous. I'm a bit freaked out. But i'm cautious. And as much as possible, i try to be realistic.
Isn't this so general? i could read this ten years from now and think the exact same thing and ask the exact same questions but only for a completely different scenario and it just might actually make sense.
It just might be the story of my life.


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