
groundless speculation

Friday, September 09, 2005

uh... wut?!

can somebody please tell me why all the info on my sidebar decided they wanted to chill at the bottom of my page?

I swear, i didn't touch anything so i have no idea why it moved. I'm completely internet & html retarded too so it's not like i know what's going on.

help would be very much appreciated. Thank you.


  • At Friday, September 23, 2005 at 4:21:00 PM GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey girl. I think it's because either your content table or side bar table is too wide, they squeeze past each other :)Never used blogger, so not sure how the code works behind it, but have a play.


  • At Friday, September 23, 2005 at 4:42:00 PM GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Just went browsing through your blog (no not stalking :) ) and I came up upon one of your entries where you said:

    "The different phases in my life associated with the different people i've met on my journey paved the way to the person i have become."

    That's just wierd. Not the sentence, but the fact that I just blogged today about that same topic. http://www.lockload.com

    Lotsa love


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