mY LittLe mAn...


*HaPpY Li'L BaBy*



*SmiLe for the CaMeRa*
***Dylan is 4 and a half months now... and he's just so happy! =)
He's quickly discovering new things and he's starting to become so malikot! He loves to laugh and play. He smiles all the time and coos & gurgles as if he's trying to have a conversation with me. He flips around like it's nothing and he's beginning to crawl--- backwards! haha!=) yea, he's crawling alright... in reverse. He's starting to sit on his own... he did it for the first time yesterday and i was so proud! =) *yay*
When he discovered his hands, he wouldn't stop playing with em... now, he's discovered his feet... and he loves playing with his toes.
He's considerate enough to sleep on his own when he wakes up in the middle of the night and it's nice of him to play in his crib, on his own, when he wakes up in the morning, so that i get an extra hour of sleep. =)
I'm so happy and extremely grateful that i have him. He's pleasant, well behaved, fun, & smart. This guy has so much personality. He's gonna grow up to be a well refined man... you can already tell. ;-P
I love being with him... there's nothing better in the world. He makes anything insignificant, unimportant, and stressful just fade away. He makes me see what really matters... it's amazing how someone so small can have such a huge impact in your life. =)
That's my little man... =)
At Friday, September 24, 2004 at 8:12:00 AM GMT+8,
Erica Paredes said…
hey remember how I told you I saw ananda flip ONCE and it never happend again? well, for the past week and a half she's been turning all over the place....! It's almost like she'd practice in secret while we were asleep and now she's such a show off! haha! :)she hates lying down and sitting too...everytime she sits on my she pulls herslef up ( w/ my help of course) to stand! im like hey girl don't can't even sit on your own! haha!
At Saturday, September 25, 2004 at 3:13:00 PM GMT+8,
~aix~ said…
He's SO CUTE!!!
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