***whoa! i have a lota catching up to do. Haven't been able to update coz my son needs me. I don't have a yaya (i refuse to get one), and being a single mom really takes a lot out of a person. whew! God intended for parents to instantly fall in love with their kids, because otherwise, the human species would become extinct (due to parents abandoning their kids because it's frikin' cRaZy!). I'm just playing... kind of. I'm in love with my son, he means the world to me and everybody knows that. However, i'm gonna dedicate an entire post discussing the downside of motherhood... because it's not always rainbows and daisies. And society sees a complaining mom as a "bad mother". So not true... and only other mothers out there will fully understand.
i went to the gym today for the first time in... hmm... let's see... a year! and HoLy ShiEt!!! Getting started all over again is so hard, i'm about ready to accept myself as FaT (no offense to overweight people). But i'm not really gonna do that... because i'm determined to fit into my old clothes and will not be completely happy until i do. And i'm not talking about fitting into my clothes in a pilit manner, i'm talking about fitting into my clothes comfortably. God, i miss wearing my jeans.
So i got up bright and early today. I hitched a ride to the gym with Mars. I got there, did the whole registration bit, and was introduced to a trainer. This guy was gonna show me around and introduce me to a routine that i should do from now on. I started off with the treadmill... 30 minutes. Piece of Cake. By this time, i was thinking, "wow, that was easy. I'm probably not so out of shape as i thought". Then, i did the bike thing... another 30 minutes. *gAsP* *arg* *diZZy* Who ever thought that riding a bike would be so hard?! I thought the treadmill would murder me and that the bike would be nothing! i guess i got it all wrong. Then i did a bit of weights and finished off with some crunches. Good God... doesn't sound like much but it really kicked my ass. *boo hoo* i'm so outa shape.
I now realize that it's gonna take a lot of time and a lot of hard work and determination to achieve my desired figure. I gained 60 pounds throughout my pregnancy and i've already lost 45 pounds just by being a mother... but this last 15 pounds is such a bitch. I long for Toblerone that can make me lose pounds and inches with every triangle. ha! dream on...
But really, i'm taking this work out seriously. I used to do it religiously, and i don't remember it being this hard. *arg* I'm considering taking some of the classes too... heard some of them were really good.
That trainer, his name is Don, told me to hire him as my personal trainer... for 5,600 pesos a month. Are you kidding me?! the gym is expensive enough, and now they want me to hire someone to tell me what to do and kill me in the process of losing weight? hell nah! (i'm only joking) i know a personal trainer would help a lot and probably force me to lose weight faster... but that rate is pretty steep. I could use that money for milk and diapers...
So there... my first day at the gym. This is gonna be one looooooong process. I'll let you know when i fit in my "skinny jeans" again. *sigh*
i went to the gym today for the first time in... hmm... let's see... a year! and HoLy ShiEt!!! Getting started all over again is so hard, i'm about ready to accept myself as FaT (no offense to overweight people). But i'm not really gonna do that... because i'm determined to fit into my old clothes and will not be completely happy until i do. And i'm not talking about fitting into my clothes in a pilit manner, i'm talking about fitting into my clothes comfortably. God, i miss wearing my jeans.
So i got up bright and early today. I hitched a ride to the gym with Mars. I got there, did the whole registration bit, and was introduced to a trainer. This guy was gonna show me around and introduce me to a routine that i should do from now on. I started off with the treadmill... 30 minutes. Piece of Cake. By this time, i was thinking, "wow, that was easy. I'm probably not so out of shape as i thought". Then, i did the bike thing... another 30 minutes. *gAsP* *arg* *diZZy* Who ever thought that riding a bike would be so hard?! I thought the treadmill would murder me and that the bike would be nothing! i guess i got it all wrong. Then i did a bit of weights and finished off with some crunches. Good God... doesn't sound like much but it really kicked my ass. *boo hoo* i'm so outa shape.
I now realize that it's gonna take a lot of time and a lot of hard work and determination to achieve my desired figure. I gained 60 pounds throughout my pregnancy and i've already lost 45 pounds just by being a mother... but this last 15 pounds is such a bitch. I long for Toblerone that can make me lose pounds and inches with every triangle. ha! dream on...
But really, i'm taking this work out seriously. I used to do it religiously, and i don't remember it being this hard. *arg* I'm considering taking some of the classes too... heard some of them were really good.
That trainer, his name is Don, told me to hire him as my personal trainer... for 5,600 pesos a month. Are you kidding me?! the gym is expensive enough, and now they want me to hire someone to tell me what to do and kill me in the process of losing weight? hell nah! (i'm only joking) i know a personal trainer would help a lot and probably force me to lose weight faster... but that rate is pretty steep. I could use that money for milk and diapers...
So there... my first day at the gym. This is gonna be one looooooong process. I'll let you know when i fit in my "skinny jeans" again. *sigh*
At Monday, August 30, 2004 at 5:28:00 PM GMT+8,
Erica Paredes said…
haha. i can totally relate to you. totally. my gosh. and the classes are hard and tiringspecially for overweight new mothers like us haha. (well, body combat at least) it should get easier and one thing one of the trainers told me is to not overexert myself since for like a year i've been super stagnant and lazy and sedentary, we'll probably get hurt. 3-4 times a week of at least one class, treadmill and biking should help us shed the pounds, then weight training when we're skinny already :) heehee. im laso trying out the south beach diet ( im on my 2nd day and its hard.it seems everything i like has carbs.) basically im living off cheese and nuts and fish ahahha.
anywayz good luck to us. i hope i can catch u at ff abs someday. is tart work next week so its possible! :) lets take classes so we can both be uncoordinated together haha. :)
At Wednesday, October 26, 2005 at 9:38:00 AM GMT+8,
Anonymous said…
Whatever it is,nokia 6600you can get it herenokia 6600
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