I just thought this was the cutest thing i've ever seen... he looks like such a little boy (u know what i mean). He's getting so big... We brought him to the mall for the very first time & he loved it! =)

**yea, that's my hand holding him up just to make sure he doesn't fall off the chair. haha! =)
check out the kicks!!! =p
He doesn't look very happy... probably knew we were gonna make him wear a dress... haha! =) He was also cranky coz he just woke up, it was crazy HOT, and we were taking pictures of him non-stop that day. hmm... it must be tough being the center of attention 24 hours a day. ha! =p we need to take a better picture together.

**He was wearing the cutest jumper. haha! and he had to wear this bonnet (for the christening) that made him look like a li'l Dutch boy! haha! (God, what parents do to their babies) But really, we didn't have a choice. He had to wear it. But he was adorable none the less. =) and yes, that's me... with 15 more pounds to lose and running on an hour and a half of sleep.
Dylan's laughing now... and he plays peek-a-boo! =) He's so much fun. He's so malikot! won't keep still for a second. He's so eager to start moving on his own. And he's hella madaldal. Always trying to talk, coo-ing away, always has something to say. I wish i could understand him. He's just so amazing... the progress he's making just blows me away! He's my own little ray of sunshine. =)
At Friday, August 13, 2004 at 2:14:00 PM GMT+8,
~aix~ said…
Isn't it peek-a-boo? Ah well... whatever. =) Seriously, that boy is the epitome of cute.
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