$ cash money $
"money makes the world go round"
Most people these days will do almost anything for a buck. Check out all the reality tv shows... it's all about money, money, money. What a person can do is limited depending on the amount of money they have in their bank account. People think that the more money you got, the more fun you have.
The prices of everything nowadays is ridiculous, seriously. Compare how things are now to how everything cost, let's say about 40 years ago... and the difference is crazy! It takes so much money to do even the simplest things in today's world. I freakin' hate it.
Of course, i'm complaining. Having a baby cost big bucks! Such a tiny person, so many needs. The cost of diapers and milk alone is no joke. Clothes aren't so cheap either and they only use it for a few months until you have to buy new ones because the old ones don't fit anymore. Not to mention the things that they need like a bath tub, a high chair, a crib, a set of drawers, toys, bottles, sheets and such. What more if you hire a yaya to help? It's crazy. And because of this (if you're a normal person in the "middle class" register of society) you're forced to give up certain luxuries you used to indulge in before "me" turned into "we". *arg*
Can you imagine what life as Oprah is like? for somebody who makes 140 million dollars a year? or Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston? who built a house on an island that they own? or bought matching mercedes-something-really-expensive just because they could (or because Brad Pitt didn't like the color but Jen liked it so he gave it to her and bought a new one for himself)? How about Michael Jackson? He has his own theme park in his back yard (well, not anymore coz it got repossessed or something coz he's gone broke... but my point is he had one). What about a main cast member on Friends? They made over 1 million dollars per episode!!! There's that much money going around yet there are still starving people in Africa... hmm... it's a wonder.
For once, i'd like to know what it feels like to be financially independent. Go on a shopping spree and not care about how much i'm spending... don't even bother to look at the price tags! Just buy stuff because i like it and know i can afford it no matter how expensive it is. *sigh* Wouldn't that be something? Hop on a plane whenever and go to wherever just because i can. =) I'd like to be able to buy anything for the ones i love (without worrying how much it's gonna cost or whether i'll be able to afford it) just because i know it'll make them happy. Wouldn't that be great? Fully pamper myself in a spa for a whole day twice or even three times a week just because i want to... *hihi* wow... maybe some day. For now, i can dream, can't i?
Most people these days will do almost anything for a buck. Check out all the reality tv shows... it's all about money, money, money. What a person can do is limited depending on the amount of money they have in their bank account. People think that the more money you got, the more fun you have.
The prices of everything nowadays is ridiculous, seriously. Compare how things are now to how everything cost, let's say about 40 years ago... and the difference is crazy! It takes so much money to do even the simplest things in today's world. I freakin' hate it.
Of course, i'm complaining. Having a baby cost big bucks! Such a tiny person, so many needs. The cost of diapers and milk alone is no joke. Clothes aren't so cheap either and they only use it for a few months until you have to buy new ones because the old ones don't fit anymore. Not to mention the things that they need like a bath tub, a high chair, a crib, a set of drawers, toys, bottles, sheets and such. What more if you hire a yaya to help? It's crazy. And because of this (if you're a normal person in the "middle class" register of society) you're forced to give up certain luxuries you used to indulge in before "me" turned into "we". *arg*
Can you imagine what life as Oprah is like? for somebody who makes 140 million dollars a year? or Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston? who built a house on an island that they own? or bought matching mercedes-something-really-expensive just because they could (or because Brad Pitt didn't like the color but Jen liked it so he gave it to her and bought a new one for himself)? How about Michael Jackson? He has his own theme park in his back yard (well, not anymore coz it got repossessed or something coz he's gone broke... but my point is he had one). What about a main cast member on Friends? They made over 1 million dollars per episode!!! There's that much money going around yet there are still starving people in Africa... hmm... it's a wonder.
For once, i'd like to know what it feels like to be financially independent. Go on a shopping spree and not care about how much i'm spending... don't even bother to look at the price tags! Just buy stuff because i like it and know i can afford it no matter how expensive it is. *sigh* Wouldn't that be something? Hop on a plane whenever and go to wherever just because i can. =) I'd like to be able to buy anything for the ones i love (without worrying how much it's gonna cost or whether i'll be able to afford it) just because i know it'll make them happy. Wouldn't that be great? Fully pamper myself in a spa for a whole day twice or even three times a week just because i want to... *hihi* wow... maybe some day. For now, i can dream, can't i?
At Wednesday, August 11, 2004 at 12:35:00 AM GMT+8,
Erica Paredes said…
god, i can relate...i never gave money much thought coz before I only needed to budget and spend for myself...now that theres a daughter in the picture...all of a sudden I can't buy anything for me anymore hahaha...well I can but i feel like im wasting money!If I had all the money in the world...I would:
1. Buy M.A.C. ( as in the whole company)
2. Build/ Buy homes in Brazil. Hawaii, San Francisco, NY, Boracay, London, Amsterdam, Jamaica and Bora Bora
3. BRIBE Orlando Bloom into marrying me. JUST KIDDING.
4. Have a spa at my hosue w/ my own masseause, manicurist, hair and make up people...the works.
im gnna stop dreaming before i get carried away...theres a lot more but ill get depressed if i keep going haha.
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