it's almost Christmas... again.
I shit you not, it was just "almost Christmas" a few weeks ago. Wow... where did the last 11 months go?! Time sure does fly...
Here we go again... "what do I get for everybody?" is the ultimate question everyone is asking themselves. I know it's what i ask myself everytime this holiday comes around. And once again, i'm stumped.
You know what i love about this time of year though? No, it's not that everyone seems to be "more giving" (that never really happens). It's the decoration put up all over the metro. I always look forward to seeing what Rustan's in Makati is gonna have done, or how Bel Air looks this time of the year. I love the way they outline Rockwell with lights, it looks so pretty from far away. And i know it's somewhat annoying, because of all the traffic is causes, but i love driving by those parrol stands put up on the side of the streets at night because they're just so nice to look at.
For me, Christmas is the marker that reminds me that another year has just passed. It reminds me that just around the corner is another new year. It gives me mixed feelings. In a way, i mourne for the end of the year and at the same time feel relieved that it's all over. I'm happy thinking that the new year might have something better to offer and also fearful of what it may throw my way.
The Christmas season, in the Philippines, starts on September. If it weren't for Halloween, stores would already go all out on selling Christmas things and playing Christmas music. But because there is that one intervention that prevents the early start of the season, stores are forced to delay the x'mas music and decorations. I'm so serious. They start playing the jingles at around that time and bust out the little decors that early.
Most people still don't do the whole early shopping. It's typical. Everyone knows how it is everywhere during Christmas season yet everybody waits last minute to do their shopping. And by this time, all human beings are let loose in the aisles of the stores like wolves in a hen house. By mid-season, the malls become a mad house. It's insane and highly barbaric. I doubt it's like this only in the Philippines though... i'm pretty sure it happens all over the world. I hate going through the hustle and bustle of the crowd and it's already starting. I promised myself that this year i will do all my christmas shopping before December even hits. I don't know what to buy yet... but i will get it done.
I was at Greenhills this last weekend and i got stepped on 8 times (3 of which were all caused by Mars), elbowed 3 times, pushed 4 times, and literally shoved twice. I was pretty upset (more of pissed, really) and got so worked up that i was ready to hit the next person who ran into me. Fortunately, that was the last flock of abuse that flew in my direction. You know what else is highly irritating? Little miss Daisies... you know them... they're the people who happen to walk right in front of you and walk like 5 steps an hour. Then there are the ones who walk, walk, walk, and then just stop right in front of you, in the middle of the entire walkway just because they want to. Finally, there are the ones that hang out in front of the escalators just because they feel like it's the best place to check their phone, look into their bags, or chat with a buddy. Did i miss anyone? Lemme know. I should write a whole post dedicated to pet peeves...
So anyway, swaying off topic here. Christmas, right. I think this Holiday Season would continue if it weren't for Valentines Day. It's funny coz they still sell Christmas trees way past December (which is a good time to buy them though because it's way cheaper... i'm contradicting myself here). But yeah, if it weren't for V-day, it would be Christmas all year round... or maybe not.
Okay, running out of things to say. this is me going Blah bLah bLAH.
So i'm thinking of who to get presents for and what to get em... it's a lot harder this year for some reason. But yeah... i really need to get it all done and over with. I don't need to linger with the stress. I'm not a shopper, if you can already tell. I'll buy stuff, a LOT of stuff (hehe), but i'm not one to linger in a store and dig for the goodies. I can't even stay in a store for more than 5 minutes (unless i'm trying something on) which is why i hate shopping with Mars. This guy loves to shop. He'll dig, and look, and he'll hang out at a store for a hella long time and it kills me.
so there.
Here we go again... "what do I get for everybody?" is the ultimate question everyone is asking themselves. I know it's what i ask myself everytime this holiday comes around. And once again, i'm stumped.
You know what i love about this time of year though? No, it's not that everyone seems to be "more giving" (that never really happens). It's the decoration put up all over the metro. I always look forward to seeing what Rustan's in Makati is gonna have done, or how Bel Air looks this time of the year. I love the way they outline Rockwell with lights, it looks so pretty from far away. And i know it's somewhat annoying, because of all the traffic is causes, but i love driving by those parrol stands put up on the side of the streets at night because they're just so nice to look at.
For me, Christmas is the marker that reminds me that another year has just passed. It reminds me that just around the corner is another new year. It gives me mixed feelings. In a way, i mourne for the end of the year and at the same time feel relieved that it's all over. I'm happy thinking that the new year might have something better to offer and also fearful of what it may throw my way.
The Christmas season, in the Philippines, starts on September. If it weren't for Halloween, stores would already go all out on selling Christmas things and playing Christmas music. But because there is that one intervention that prevents the early start of the season, stores are forced to delay the x'mas music and decorations. I'm so serious. They start playing the jingles at around that time and bust out the little decors that early.
Most people still don't do the whole early shopping. It's typical. Everyone knows how it is everywhere during Christmas season yet everybody waits last minute to do their shopping. And by this time, all human beings are let loose in the aisles of the stores like wolves in a hen house. By mid-season, the malls become a mad house. It's insane and highly barbaric. I doubt it's like this only in the Philippines though... i'm pretty sure it happens all over the world. I hate going through the hustle and bustle of the crowd and it's already starting. I promised myself that this year i will do all my christmas shopping before December even hits. I don't know what to buy yet... but i will get it done.
I was at Greenhills this last weekend and i got stepped on 8 times (3 of which were all caused by Mars), elbowed 3 times, pushed 4 times, and literally shoved twice. I was pretty upset (more of pissed, really) and got so worked up that i was ready to hit the next person who ran into me. Fortunately, that was the last flock of abuse that flew in my direction. You know what else is highly irritating? Little miss Daisies... you know them... they're the people who happen to walk right in front of you and walk like 5 steps an hour. Then there are the ones who walk, walk, walk, and then just stop right in front of you, in the middle of the entire walkway just because they want to. Finally, there are the ones that hang out in front of the escalators just because they feel like it's the best place to check their phone, look into their bags, or chat with a buddy. Did i miss anyone? Lemme know. I should write a whole post dedicated to pet peeves...
So anyway, swaying off topic here. Christmas, right. I think this Holiday Season would continue if it weren't for Valentines Day. It's funny coz they still sell Christmas trees way past December (which is a good time to buy them though because it's way cheaper... i'm contradicting myself here). But yeah, if it weren't for V-day, it would be Christmas all year round... or maybe not.
Okay, running out of things to say. this is me going Blah bLah bLAH.
So i'm thinking of who to get presents for and what to get em... it's a lot harder this year for some reason. But yeah... i really need to get it all done and over with. I don't need to linger with the stress. I'm not a shopper, if you can already tell. I'll buy stuff, a LOT of stuff (hehe), but i'm not one to linger in a store and dig for the goodies. I can't even stay in a store for more than 5 minutes (unless i'm trying something on) which is why i hate shopping with Mars. This guy loves to shop. He'll dig, and look, and he'll hang out at a store for a hella long time and it kills me.
so there.
At Tuesday, November 16, 2004 at 7:00:00 PM GMT+8,
Erica Paredes said…
YOU KNOW WHAT ME AND MY FRIENDS, ME AND MY FAM AND ME AND MY WORKMATES ARE ALL DOIN? we're doin the whole kris kringle thing to save on time and money this xmas....and at least we can spend a little more on ONE thing for ONE person then try to fit 6 gifts into our budget....ill do your shopping for you hehehe im almost done...i only have 3 gifts to go ( and their the hardest ones!)i saw mars at abs today btw...but i just waved hi coz i think he was at a lunch meeting....
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